Hot runner mold technology is one of the important signs to measure the manufacturing level of a country’s products,Therefore,the state has given a lot of policy support.
With the economic globalization,the export prospects of hot runner molds are getting better and better,and the hot runner mold industry in our country needs to develop more quickly so as to adapt to the development of the situation.measures for the development of hot runner mold industry are as follows:
1.Introduce appropriate policies to guide investment direction.
2.Speed up the reform of the syetem and adjust the industrial structure.
3.Market operation,vigorously develop hot runner mold industry chain cluster.
4.Actively cultivate leading enterprises.
5.Strengthen research and production cooperation,and promote hot runner industry scientific and technological research work.
6.Establish the national hot runner mold inspection center.
7.Strengthen the standardization of hot runner mold.